Monday 27 April 2015

Back Issues!

I've been rummaging through boxes of things (as one does) and found a few spare copies of issues of ST that are not available in print-on-demand format. If you want to contact me and simply ask for a copy of any of these, I'll send it, then you can send me the postage plus whatever you think is fair payment. They're not all in brilliant nick. So, here are the facts...

I have half a dozen copies of this issue, which contains stories by Simon Strantzas, Mark Patrick Lynch, Gary McMahon, John L, Probert, Duncan Barford, Gary Fry, William I.I. Read, John Travis, and Michael Chislett. Cover art by Dallas Goffin.

Edited Post

I did have some other issues, but somebody's already bagged 'em. Such is the speed of the internet.

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